Besides using DAO, a connection string to a database using ADO can also be set. In ADO connection string, we use at least four constants to be set to specify the connection string. They are constStrProvider,constStrDataSource, constStrUserId, and constStrPassword. The constStrProvider Const specifies database provider to be employed, for example: the provider for MS Access database is Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0. The constStrDataSource Const refers to the database file path. The constStrUserId Const refers to user identity, if the database use access level. If the connection string has a password, then the constStrPassword Const must also be set.
Based on the four constants above, we create getDbsConStringADO function as follows:
Based on the four constants above, we create getDbsConStringADO function as follows:
Function getDbsConStringADO() As String Dim strPWD As String, strUserId As String 'Set the following Constants as neccessary Const constStrProvider As String = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" 'OLE DB provider name (MS Access 2007) Const constStrDataSource As String = "D:\Access\Database_be.accdb" 'Database file path name Const constStrUserId As String = "" 'User identity, if the database use access level Const constStrPassword As String = "abcs" 'password, if any On Error GoTo Err_Msg If constStrUserId <> "" Then strUserId = ";User ID=" & constStrUserId Else strUserId = "" If constStrPassword <> "" Then strPWD = ";JET OLEDB:Database Password=" & constStrPassword Else strPWD = "" getDbsConStringADO = "Provider=" & constStrProvider & _ ";Data Source=" & constStrDataSource & _ strUserId & strPWD Exit_Function: Exit Function Err_Msg: MsgBox "Function getDbsConStringADO, Error # " & str(Err.Number) & ", source: " & Err.Source & _ Chr(13) & Err.description Resume Exit_Function End Function
If the above function is performed in Immediate Window?getDbsConStringADO Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:\Access\Database_be.accdb;JET OLEDB:Database Password=abcs
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