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Get Connection String to Access DAO Database

To specify the connection string to a database, we use getDbsConString function. There are, at least, two variables to be set to specify the connection string. They are strProvider and strPassword. The strProvider variable specifies database provider to be employed, for example: the provider for MS Access database is MS Access. If the connection string has a password, then the strPassword variable must also be set. The result of getDbsConString function is a string value.

Following is the complete getDbsConString function:
Function getDbsConString() As String
  Dim strProvider As String
  Dim strPassword, strPWD As String
On Error GoTo Err_Msg
  strProvider = "MS ACCESS"
  strPassword = ""
  If strPassword <> "" Then strPWD = ";PWD=" & strPassword Else strPWD = ""
  getDbsConString = strProvider & strPWD
  Exit Function
  MsgBox "Function getDbsConString, Error # " & str(Err.Number) & ", source: " & Err.Source & _
  Chr(13) & Err.description
  Resume Exit_Function
End Function


Setting the strProvider and strPassword as follows:
strProvider = "MS ACCESS"
strPassword = "abcd"
we get the connection string as follows:
getDbsConString = strProvider & strPWD
getDbsConString = "MS ACCESS;PWD=abcd"


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