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Creating Master Table for Chart of Primary Accounts

We create a table for chart of primary accounts, a chart of accounts to be used as a basis for making financial reports. Chart of primary accounts is the list of account codes and names applied to record transaction into journal entries.

We create the chart of primary accounts based on experience or practice and is very useful for user at the clerical level. As you know, day-to-day activities related with chart of accounts mostly performed by user, in this case, employee at the clerical or staff level. At the supervisory or managerial level, chart of accounts is very important also, but they are never involved directly in the daily recording transaction journal as the clerical staff does. In addition, at the supervisory level and above, they understand accounting system easily so that they can remember the chart of accounts without using any supporting tool.

To create chart of primary accounts, follow these instructions:
  1. We can create a table by clicking Create >> Tables >> Table Design.
  2. In the Field Name column, type primaryAccountCode. In the Data Type column, select Text. In the Description column, type Type unique account code.
  3. Make sure that primaryAccountCode is set as the primary key. If not, highlight primaryAccountCode row, right-click the mouse to display shortcut menu, and select Primary Key. This method can also be done by selecting the Table Tools Design >> Tools >> Primary Key.
  4. Next, for the Field Properties (located at the bottom, press F6 key to move to the Field Properties), fill in the General Tab: Field Size= 3 and Caption= Primary Account Code.
  5. Under the primaryAccountCode row, fill the second Field Name= primaryAccountName, Data Type= Text, and Description= Name or account description. For the Field Properties, fill in the General Tab: Field Size= 100 and Caption= Primary Account Name.
  6. For the third field, inserted under primaryAccountName, fills in Field Name= primaryAccountGroup, Data Type= Text, and Description= Select either: Assets, Liabilities, Equities, Revenues, Expenses, or Income Summary. On the Field Properties, fill in:
    1. General Tab:
      1. Field Size= 1
      2. Caption= Primary Account Group
      3. Required= Yes
    2. Lookup Tab:
      1. Display Control= Combo Box
      2. Row Source Type= Value List
      3. Row Source= Group Code;Group Name;1;Asset;2;Liability;3;Equity;4; Revenue;5;Expense;6;Income Summary
      4. Bound Column= 1
      5. Column Count= 2
      6. Column Heads= Yes
      7. Column Widths= 0";1.5"
      8. List Width= 5" (at least must be equal to the total Column Widths above).
      9. Limit To List= Yes
  7. Save the table as tblPrimaryAccounts.

When opened in Datasheet View, the tblPrimaryAccounts table is seen as above. At this point, we have already known how to create a simple table named tblPrimaryAccounts which in the accounting database is a table to store the chart of primary accounts.


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