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Creating Master Table for Company Identities

Master table for company identities is related to company data. It is not about a company image related with its vision, tagline, or some kind like that. Instead, the company identities consist of company name, address, website, phone number, etc. One of the functions is for exchange letters or correspondence purposes. Usually, the identities are placed on the header and caption of a report or form.

We create the table to store company identities and save as tblCompanyIdentities. Following are the field names and their related properties.
  1. Field Name= coyName
    1. Data Type= Text
    2. Description= Company name
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size= 100
      2. Caption= Company name
  2. Field Name= coyAddress
    1. Data Type= Text
    2. Description= Company address
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size= 100
      2. Caption= Company Address
  3. Field Name= coyCity
    1. Data Type= Text
    2. Description= City where the company is located
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size= 50
      2. Caption= City
  4. Field Name= coyZipCode
    1. Data Type= Text
    2. Description= Zip code
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size= 5
      2. Caption= Zip Code
      3. Input Mask= 00000
  5. Field Name= coyCountry
    1. Data Type= Text
    2. Description= Country where the company is located
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size= 50
      2. Caption= Country
  6. Field Name= coyTelp
    1. Data Type= Text
    2. Description= Telephone number
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size= 30
      2. Caption= Telephone Number
      3. Input Mask= !\(999") "000\-0000
  7. Field Name= coyFax
    1. Data Type= Text
    2. Description= Fax number
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size= 30
      2. Caption= Fax Number
      3. Input Mask= !\(999") "000\-0000
  8. Field Name= coyWebsite
    1. Data Type= Text
    2. Description= Website or URL
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size= 100
      2. Caption= Website
  9. Field Name= coyEmail
    1. Data Type= Text
    2. Description= Email address, if any
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size= 100
      2. Caption= Email
  10. Field Name= coyTaxId
    1. Data Type= Text
    2. Description= Tax identity
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size= 30
      2. Caption= Tax Id


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