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Creating Master Table for Subaccounts

In our accounting database, we have two subaccounts that are part of the primary accounts. They are some sort of derivative accounts for the primary accounts. The two subaccounts may serve as profit center, cost center, organization unit, vendor, customer, tax, etc. The subaccounts are stored in two tables, one for subaccounts 1 and the other for subaccounts 2. Following are the explanation for both two tables.

Table name: tblSubAccounts1

The tblSubAccounts1 can serve as the table to store data related with vendors, costumers, divisions, or departments. In this case, the tblSubAccounts1 used to store division or department data. Fields in the table are as follows.

  1. Field Name= subAccountCode1
    1. Data Type= Text
    2. Description= Type code for subaccount 1
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size= 3
      2. Caption= Subaccount Code
  2. Field Name= subAccountName1
    1. Data Type= Text
    2. Description= Type name for subaccount 1
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size= 100
      2. Caption= Subaccount Name
  3. Field Name= subAccountDescription1
    1. Data Type= Text
    2. Description= Type description for subaccount 1
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size= 150
      2. Caption= Description
  4. Primary key: subAccountCode1

Table name: tblSubAccounts2

The tblSubAccounts2 can serve as the table to store data related with products, projects, or services. In this case, the tblSubAccounts2 serve as the project data. Following are the required fields.

  1. Field Name= subAccountCode2
    1. Data Type= Text
    2. Description= Type subaccount code 2
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size= 3
      2. Caption= Subaccount Code
  2. Field Name= subAccountName2
    1. Data Type= Text
    2. Description= Type name for subaccount 2
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size= 100
      2. Caption= Subaccount Name
  3. Field Name= subAccountDescription2
    1. Data Type= Text
    2. Description= Type description for subaccount 2
    3. Field Properties - General Tab:
      1. Field Size= 150
      2. Caption= Description
  4. Primary key: subAccountCode2


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